Jesse Vincent wrote:
>>> So, this is an RT extension. Which version of it are you using and where
>>> did it come from? We certainly shouldn't be breaking our API in the
>>> middle of a stable series, so I want to make sure it gets sorted out.
>>> As an aside, 3.8.6 has been out for a week or so and has some fixes
>>> you likely want.
>> Thanks for the response! I didn't realize this was a plugin. I inherited 
>> this install and as you know it was a fair bit dated so I was asked to 
>> upgrade it. 
>> As far as my version of HTML::Mason, there appear to be 2 versions, 1.36 and 
>> 1.42. If I do:
> Ah, no. It was the "Kill" extension I was looking for the version of.
> find /opt/rt3/ -name \*Kill\* 
> might be a start to tracking down the right files.  Note also that after
> an upgrade, you really need to clear /opt/rt3/var/mason_data/obj before
> starting apache, otherwise you might get a skewed set of compiled mason
> templates.

That's the thing, there isn't any Kill module. That was the first thing I 
searched for when I noticed the issue. 

r...@lechuck:~# find /opt/rt3/ -name \*Kill\*
r...@lechuck:~# find /opt/rt3.bak/ -name \*Kill\*
r...@lechuck:~# find /usr -name \*Kill\*

No results for any of these searches. 

rt3.bak was our previous install where kill actually worked so if we ever had a 
module \*Kill\* it should still be in there at least. Unless of course it was 
in say /usr/lib/perl* and some other module ditched it when I updated it... 

I did the cache clearing during the update process so that shouldn't be an 



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