On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 2:11 PM, David Griffith <dgri...@cs.csubak.edu> wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Dec 2009, James Moseley wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 1:21 PM, David Griffith <dgri...@cs.csubak.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> I'm trying to change the logo in 3.8.6, but
>>> http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/ChangeLogo doesn't work.  Googling
>>> around for the answer gives me multiple references to the instructions on
>>> that page not working.  Would someone please point out a guide for adding
>>> a custom logo to 3.8.6 that actually works?
>> I know this is documented somewhere...  Without looking at the wiki or
>> official docs, here's what works:
>> Create directory called 'Elements' in <path to RT>/local/html
>> Create file called 'Logo' in above directory with contents similar to:
>>  <div id="logo">
>>   <a href="http://yourdomain.com";><img
>> src="<%$RT::WebImagesURL%>/yourlogo.jpg" alt="<%loc("Your
>> Company")%>"></a>
>> % if ($show_name) {
>>   <div class="rtname"><% loc("RT for [_1]", $RT::rtname) %></div>
>> % }
>>  </div>
>> <%args>
>>  $show_name => 1
>> </%args>
>> Lastly, place logo jpeg (or whatever format it's in) in:
>> <path to rt>/share/html/NoAuth/images
> Okay, I have a logo displaying, but it's at the bottom.  I can't seem to get
> it to go along the top like it did in 3.6 without stomping on other parts of
> the page.  Do I need to monkey around with NoAuth/css/web2/layout.css some
> more?
> More questions:
> Shouldn't share/html/Elements/Logo contain more generic stuff like $LogoURL
> and such as is described for 3.6?
> Is it safe to comment out the invocation of /Elements/Footer from
> share/html/autohandler?

Using my method above, you shouldn't have to make any other changes.
Essentially, back out of what you did according to the Wiki
instructions, ie, don't make any custom edits to the css files and
return the autohandler file to default.

As far as RT_SiteConfig, get rid of any $Logo references you may have
in that config.  Also, make sure you have the following in

Set($WebImagesURL , $WebPath . "/NoAuth/images/");


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