David Griffith wrote:
I'm trying to change the logo in 3.8.6, but http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/ChangeLogo doesn't work. Googling around for the answer gives me multiple references to the instructions on that page not working. Would someone please point out a guide for adding a custom logo to 3.8.6 that actually works?

As I recall, the bit of HTML that would cause the logo to be displayed is
hidden using css settings under 3.8.x.  If you switch to one of the older
display styles it will appear.

Hmmm.... It's this chunk from .../html/NoAuth/css/web2/layout.css:

/* logo stuff */

div#logo {

div#logo a {
    display: none;             <<<<---------------****
   position: absolute;
   left: 0;
   bottom: 0;
div#logo a img {
   border: 0;
div#logo .rtname {
   position: absolute;
   font-weight: bold;
   top: 1em;
   left: 1em;

Take away the "display: none" and you should have a logo appear.  You should
do this using the 'Cleanly Customise' instructions from the wiki, plus see a
post I made to this list a few weeks ago about what you need to copy into your
local tree to make customised css work.
However, a logo doesn't really have a good place to go in the 3.8.x screen
layout, which is probably why it was disabled in the first place.



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