Thanks for the comment Jesse. We're using RT 3.6.10 and I can't see a 'star'. I see the latest version is 3.8? Is the 'star' only available in 3.8?


On 04/23/2010 10:20 AM, Jesse Vincent wrote:

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 09:52:14AM +0900, Jean-Christian wrote:
I'm very new to RT so please forgive me if this is a silly question.

Is there a way to create a personal list of tickets I want to keep
an eye on? There are some tickets in our system that have useful
information in them and I want to be able to 'add them to a personal
watchlist'. (I'm coming from a JIRA background which has a 'watch
this' functionality)

Assuming you're using a current RT, just click the stars in the upper right 
hand corner of a ticket.

I did a quick search through the mailing list archives but couldn't
find any mention of such functionality.



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