It is rt-extension-spawnlinkedticketinqueue and the offending line is
this one in html/Callbacks/SpawnLinkedTicket/Elements/ShowLinks/Default:
<form action="<% RT->Config->Get('WebPath')
."/Elements/SpawnLinkedTicket" %>" name="SpawnLinkedTicket">

You should check your WebPath setting in


Am 27.08.2010 18:31, schrieb Alex Young:
> After installing rt-extension-spawnlinkedticket on 3.8.8 clicking the
> create button under the links section causes an error as the form action
> is incorrect.
> <form action="//rtElements/SpawnLinkedTicket" name="SpawnLinkedTicket">
> This error occurs even if using RTHOME=/opt/rt3 perl Makefile.PL.
> The offending line in the plugin seems to be this:
> RT::Interface::Web::Redirect(
> RT->Config->Get('WebURL')."Ticket/Create.html?$query_string" );
> Both WebPath and WebBaseURL are set in
> Every other plugin seems to work fine.
> Anyone know why it might not be pulling WebURL correctly from the RT
> Config to construct the correct URL?

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