Hi all,

Thanks to Kevin for pointing out the EmailCompletion extension. I had a user
ask me if I could do this and I hadn't had time to look for it, rt-users
list saved me that time!

I installed it and got it running, works great with default setup.

I'm attempting the LDAP setup and want it NOT to search RT's list(got a
bunch of junk emails I don't want anyone to ever use).

Here is my config settings...

Set($EmailCompletionLdapServer, 'XX.XX.XX.XX');
Set($EmailCompletionLdapBase, 'dc=mydomain,dc=local');
Set($EmailCompletionLdapUser, 'svc_rt');
#Set($EmailCompletionLdapUser, 'cn=service
Set($EmailCompletionLdapPass, '**************');
Set($EmailCompletionLdapFilter, '(objectClass=person)');
Set($EmailCompletionLdapAttrSearch, [qw/mail cn/]);
Set($EmailCompletionLdapAttrShow, "mail");
Set($EmailCompletionLdapMinLength, 4);
Set($EmailCompletionRdmbsDisable, 1);
I have 2 issues I'm seeing now

1. the EmailCompletionRdmbsDisable doesn't seem to effect the lookup on RT's
database. In the debug logs I see this

[Tue May 24 19:30:01 2011] [debug]: SELECT DISTINCT main.* FROM Users main
JOIN Principals Principals_1  ON ( Principals_1.id = main.id )  WHERE
(main.EmailAddress LIKE '%lori%') AND (Principals_1.PrincipalType = 'User')
ORDER BY main.Name ASC

It's still searching RT's database. Now this could be linked to if the LDAP
is successful or not... but I would think the LDAP search would show up at

2. My LDAP bind fails with the setup above. I get a bind error(below)

[Tue May 24 19:30:01 2011] [crit]: Unable to bind to XX.XX.XX.XX:

I put in distinguishedName, as that's what ExternalAuth uses as well. I ran
another test now nothing shows up in the error log... so I guess it's
binding... but it still doesn't show any results from my LDAP in the popup
list, only the ones from RT's database.

I also ensured there wasn't a limit on size of the popup and searched for
something that only has 1 result from both RT and LDAP databases.

Any thoughts?

Mike Johnson
Datatel Programmer/Analyst
Northern Ontario School of Medicine
955 Oliver Road
Thunder Bay, ON   P7B 5E1
Phone: (807) 766-7331
Email: mike.john...@nosm.ca

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