On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 01:41:46PM -0700, Kenneth Crocker wrote:
>    I just ran across an odd occurence in a ticket. I have a Queue that uses 
> several Custom
>    Fields, only 1 of which is set to "Mandatory" for validation. Whil ein the 
> ticket, I made
>    changes to various ticket fields (none of them Cf's) and I got the 
> expected error when I tried
>    to save the ticket. When I modified one of the CF's and NOT the Mandatory 
> one, the ticket was
>    saved AND when I resolved it, it DID resolve.
>    Has anyone else had this problem or am I alone on this and need to look at 
> some other cause?


You've neglected to tell us how you created the ticket, whether the
ticket had a CF value set when you edited it, and why resolving a
ticket would block on a mandatory CF.  You must have written a scrip
to do that.  RT Custom Fields are only mandatory during create and
because they don't allow you to unset them during editing.


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