So, I stupidly updated my debian RT box today and one of the things patched was 
Perl (5.10.1 -> 5.12.4).  Since I used CPAN originally for installing Perl 
modules when I setup the server it broke pretty much everything about RT.  
After much flipping back and forth between logs and apt-get install I resolved 
all of the load errors and the Apache server came up.  But I still seem to be 
missing something.

All pages will display with no formatting at all.  The only graphic that shows 
is the >>|<< Best Practical logo, everything else is completely text without 
the usual formatting.  There is lists and tables, but no font changes are 
graphics at all (100% blue links on a while background).

I assume there is some Perl module I'm missing.  As I said, there's no errors 
so it's a "soft" failure.  The site functionality seems unaffected, just a bit 
harder to get around now.

Any help greatly appreciated.
RT Training Sessions (
*  Chicago, IL, USA — September 26 & 27, 2011
*  San Francisco, CA, USA — October 18 & 19, 2011
*  Washington DC, USA — October 31 & November 1, 2011
*  Melbourne VIC, Australia — November 28 & 29, 2011
*  Barcelona, Spain — November 28 & 29, 2011

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