On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:33:30AM -0300, Bruno M. Duarte Coscia wrote:
> Hi everyone, I'm trying to properly configurate  RT to the elemental needs.
> OS: Centos 5.4
> RT: 4.0.2
> The idea is to have as many queues as programs that we support are in
> existence .
> Each enterprise costumer has access to this queues (programs), so
> there's a group in RT that classifies them
> The issue consist in configurate the groups/queues in such way that they
> will have present  the Dashboard options in the navigation bar.
> In the wiki says "Several new rights have been added to RT with regards
> to dashboards. These rights must be granted (to a user or group) before
> the dashboard options become available" (Link:
> http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/ManualDashboards )
> Please, could be possible some orientation regards this issue?

Dashboards aren't available to Unprivileged users.


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