On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 08:43:54AM +0100, Soula, Christophe wrote:
>    I try to implement for my international company request tracker version 4 
> as a single instance
>    to support our IT helpdesk activities.
>    I have two main helpdesk team : one in France and one in US
>    Customer able to send request are coming from everywhere in the world
>    I have a different queue for US based support and one for the European 
> based support.
>    Everything is working fine with the exceptio of the different date shown 
> in the interface.
>    I try to figure out how to configure or customize RT 4 to be able to have 
> a central instance
>    located in Europe which should be used from all over the world.
>    I have search for a solution without success...
>    My attempts have all failed and searching both the wiki and the mailing 
> list archives hasn't
>    improved my understanding enough to make it work or to understand if it 
> could works or not.
>    So far, I've tried to set on one user a different time zone but without 
> effect on the date
>    shown in the SelfService interface for example.
>    I'm using RT [4.02] on Debain OS. Web server apache. Database mysql

mod_perl or fastcgi?

If mod_perl, please review the documentation in
docs/web_deployment.pod about certain Apache worker models and time


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*  Barcelona, Spain — November 28 & 29, 2011

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