On Fri, Feb 03, 2012 at 01:34:52PM -0500, Jeff Blaine wrote:
> >You really want all local configs in RT_SiteConfig.pm, not
> >RT_Config.pm.  Next time you upgrade, any changes to RT_Config.pm will
> >be blown away.
> Why doesn't Best Practical just do away this idea?
> 1. make install
>       put new RT_Config.pm in place
>       make a new 'RT_SiteConfig' help document from it (yes, Site)
>       if there is an RT_SiteConfig.pm in place
>           leave it alone
>       else
>           cp RT_Config.pm RT_SiteConfig.pm
> 2. Never mention "RT_Config.pm" anywhere.  Mention
>    the help document you made from it.

Because having an RT_SiteConfig.pm that is the same as RT_Config.pm
means that RT can never tell you if you overrode the setting.
Go look at the System Configuration page, note that for each setting
it says core vs site.  That's a tremendously useful piece of

Also keep in mind that RT can read from 3, 4 or even 5 local config
files so you can keep your setting distinct.

Having a sparse RT_SiteConfig.pm also makes it trivial as a sysadmin
to tell what you've changed locally, especially when looking back
through your source control.

The solution here is not more separation of the config files, but
moving more configuration into the database which is something that is
being worked on.


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