On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 05:01:38PM +0000, Giuseppe Sollazzo wrote:
>    Hash: SHA1
>    Hi there,
>    I have a little issue with our FriendlyFromLineFormat on RT 4.
>    We have set it as follows:
>    *Set( $FriendlyFromLineFormat, "\"IT Helpdesk\" <%s>");*
>    which, looking around on the web, seems to be the correct way of doing
>    so - unless you see something wrong.

The default is
Set($FriendlyFromLineFormat, "\"%s via RT\" <%s>");
You need two %s's, one for the name, one for the email.

>    The issue is that this way what I get is the name of the sender of the
>    e-mail (either the owner or the requestor, cc, etc), not their e-mail.
>    For example, if I have sent the e-mail, I get:
>    *IT Helpdesk <"Giuseppe Sollazzo">*
>    which clearly breaks the "Reply all".

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