On 3/19/2012 3:36 PM, testwreq wreq wrote:
Dear Jeff,
Unfortunately, it did not fix the problem. Encode was up to date.
[root@www2 ~]#  perl -MCPAN -e "install Encode"
CPAN: Storable loaded ok
Going to read /root/.cpan/Metadata
   Database was generated on Sun, 18 Mar 2012 23:12:50 GMT
Encode is up to date.

Did you originally install RT from source?  If so, the
easiest solution is to visit the original source tree
and run 'make fixdeps' and cross your fingers.

Alternatively, you can just install a newer Encode
(and then move on to Apache::Request).


Pick a version, download it, unpackage it, and run

    perl Makefile.PL
    make install

[ Or read the README included with the package ]

Unfortunately, this is how things go on Linux distributions
unless you explicitly exclude key software from being updated.
The update changed things that RT wants.  The only real
solution is to solve it by hand through Perl module upgrades
on your own (which may very well then be overwritten again
by your package manager in the future!).

That's about all I can offer.

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 3:03 PM, Jeff Blaine <jbla...@kickflop.net
<mailto:jbla...@kickflop.net>> wrote:

    On 3/19/2012 1:54 PM, testwreq wreq wrote:

        What mime_name should I be looking for?


    I guess I was too terse.

    CentOS "upgraded" your Perl "Encode" module for you and
    the version that RH and CentOS push out breaks RT.  The
    version they push out (which breaks things) is lacking
    an attribute or function called mime_name.  You don't
    need to know that to fix it, I am only telling you so
    that if you see "mime_name" mentioned in an error some
    time, you will have some context for it.

    To fix, just do this:

        perl -MCPAN -e "install Encode"

        On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 1:47 PM, Jeff Blaine
        <jbla...@kickflop.net <mailto:jbla...@kickflop.net>
        <mailto:jbla...@kickflop.net <mailto:jbla...@kickflop.net>>> wrote:

            On 3/19/2012 1:34 PM, testwreq wreq wrote:

                I upgraded centos from 5.5 to 5.8 release on my development
                server. I
                cannot get RT to work. My RT installation is under data/rt3
                folder. The
                document rool is .../share/html; When we try to access
        the RT
                host name
                on the browser, it does not reach the index.html file
                in the
                document root of RT, bur instead tries to open some file
        and is
                for a filetype to open it with
                I ran ./rt-test-dependencies --with-modperl1 on both
        development and
                production. there are following things missing on both
                CORE missing dependencies:
                         Encode >= 2.13...MISSING
                                 Encode version 2.13 required--this is only
                version 2.12
                However, the production centos  is not updgraded and it is
                working. I
                don't get any errors in the error log. Could anyone help
        us to
                find what
                the problem could be?
                thanks much:)

            perl -MCPAN -e "install Encode"

            Red Hat / CentOS updates nearly always screw up something with
            the "Encode" that RT expects.  The RH or CentOS one lacks

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