I recently upgraded our RT 3.8.9 by making a new RT 4.0.5 installation and
then moving and upgrading the database by the upgrade instructions. Before
doing so, I upgraded the OS of the computer from Debian Lenny to Debian

After that, I installed RT-Extension-CommandByMail-0.10 using the
instructions in its INSTALL file.

perl Makefile.PL
make install

I made the required changes to /opt/rt4/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm:

@MailPlugins = qw(Auth::MailFrom Filter::TakeAction);
Set(@Plugins, (qw(RT::Extension::CommandByMail)));

However, CommandByMail is not correctly responding to commands in the email
body. The emails just open tickets via the default rt-mailgate
configuration.  Additionally, my /var/log/user.log, debug.log, messages
files aren't showing any CommandByMail entries at all. On the 3.8.9
configuration, there would be entries every time CommandByMail ran.

I have the following level options set in RT_SiteConfig.pm:

Set($LogToSyslog, "debug");
Set($LogToScreen, "debug");

What should be my next troubleshooting step?

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