I am using a 3rd party BI tool for some auditing tools here, and am trying to 
understand the table layout.

As part of the project I would like to list for a ticket the

Ticket number, creator, creator phone number, created date, ....the queue, the 
business unit, and other data.

I have figured out how to join the data from tickets, queues, and users tables, 
but I am not getting very far on the custom fields.   In my example above,  I 
have a custom field "Business Unit" and it has several different potential 
values.    Can anyone suggest how I might add that to my query?

Currently I have:

select Tickets.id, Tickets.Status, Tickets.Subject,
Tickets.Created,tickets_creator_user.Name as "Creator",
Tickets.Started,tickets_owner_users.Name as "Owner",
Tickets.Resolved,  tickets_lastupdateby_users.Name as "Last Update By",
Queues.Name as "Queue"
from Tickets,
Users tickets_creator_user,
Users tickets_owner_users,
Users tickets_lastupdateby_users,
where Queues.id = Tickets.Queue and
Tickets.Creator = tickets_creator_user.id and
Tickets.Owner = tickets_owner_users.id and
Tickets.LastUpdatedBy = tickets_lastupdateby_users.id;



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