
as described in <514c70f2.1040...@pgs-info.de>, I run two queues, Level1 and Level2. My Level2 users now have a custom
status "returned". When chosing this status for a ticket, the ticket
will change the queue to Level1, will be set to unowned and escalations
will be reset to the beginning. This whole thing works fine.

The only thing: As soon as the tickets' level is set to "returned" and so the queue has changed, the user gets an error site: "No permission to view ticket"

Which is correct, because the ticket has left his queue.

Is it possible to redirect the user to his RT at a glance site in this case? Yes, it's jaust a click, but a displayed error may be disturbing for the user, especially when he did nothing wrong.

Thanks in advence, Patrick

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