I have something you can probably use, if you promise not to laugh...  ;)
It's really not ready for human consumption, just something I banged out a
while back to basically do what you're asking.  Though it doesn't enumerate
all the way down to the user level, just to the group level.  I haven't
ever assigned any rights at the user level so this isn't an issue for me.

Just run it all by itself and (depending on your rt size) you'll get a
giant, fixed width matrix of all the queues with group names and right

You can search for specifics with the commandline options (--groups
--queues --rights) but they have have to be exact, case sensitive matches.

It might be more presentable if you did a fixed width import into a
spreadsheet.  Otherwise I wouldn't view it without piping the results to
'less -niS' because line wrap makes it pretty useless.

I *think* it will probably work with 3.8.8.  I didn't get cute or anything,
it's just using the standard api methods.

I at least stripped out most of the cruft and checked it in at

Here's at least one example:

$ sudo /perl/bin/perl rt_rights.pl --queues 'Tech Support' Outages 'NOC -
General' --groups NetOps NOC Users --rights CreateTicket DeleteTicket
Queue          Group   CreateTicket  DeleteTicket
-------------  ------  ------------  ------------
NOC - General  NetOps
NOC - General  NOC     1
NOC - General  Users
Outages        NetOps
Outages        NOC     1
Outages        Users
Tech Support   NetOps
Tech Support   NOC     1
Tech Support   Users

Andy Harrison
public key: 0x67518262

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 11:36 AM, John Miller <johnm...@brandeis.edu> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> We're running RT 3.8.8 (yes, I know it's old....).  We're managing our
> group and queue privileges via RT itself, rather than LDAP.  How can we
> generate a report that shows us per queue which users have rights?
> I dug through the database schema for about an hour; decided it was better
> to ask than to keep digging.
> John
> --
> John Miller
> Systems Engineer
> Brandeis University
> johnm...@brandeis.edu
> (781) 736-4619

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