On Fri, Jan 03, 2014 at 10:16:25AM -0700, Jesse Griffin wrote:
> I tried just making the changes in the Template.pm file and that did *not* 
> work.
>  Doing that caused fatal problems, resulting in 500 errors... unless I did
> something wrong?

Since you don't show the errors, it's impossible to know what happened

The fix for this problem was updated further based on some new reports
and was merged to 4.2-trunk as

You cannot easily apply that directly to an installed RT because of
the test file changes we made to help ensure this doesn't happen

If you patch a tarball of RT 4.2.1 and rerun configure with your old
arguments (available at the top of /opt/rt4/etc/RT_Config.pm) and make
upgrade, the patch will be applied.  Since you're keeping /opt/rt4 in
source control, it'll be easy to see that the change was applied.

There are several ways to trick the patch command into not patching a
nonexistent t/ directory. Edit the file, removing the section patching
t/. From a git clone of RT, run
git format-patch -1 254e8da98 lib/
and you'll get a file that only patches the two lib files.

Alternatively, wait for RT 4.2.2rc1 (announced on rt-devel) and test
once available.


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