On 21.01.14 20:29, Kevin Falcone wrote:
>> It doesn't clearly say whether e-mails sent from the "alias" email
>> address would be accepted or not.
> I'm glad you found the example config.  The key is the first sentence
> you quote.  RT will look up against alias and treat it as though they
> sent from their primary email address.

Then why doesn't this happen when it has two or more values set for the
"mail" attribute?

When RT receives an e-mail I don't see any access to the LDAP server at
first. It searches the sender address in the internal database. Doesn't
find it. Then wants to create a new user. And only then it checks
against the LDAP database and finds that the user with that uid (which
maps to the "Name" column in the RT database) exists and refuses to
create this user.

Why doesn't this work and does this reject e-mails from that sender address?



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