I have a situation where I am receiving updates from another automated
ticketing system which do not include our ticket tag, but do use their
own trouble ticket number in the Subject line.  I want to attach all
the traffic from those updates to the same ticket.

The simplest way appears to be check on create to see if the new
ticket is from specific sender, filter their trouble ticket number out
of the Subject line, and look for that value in the custom field of an
existing ticket.  If I find one, merge the new ticket into that old
ticket.  If not, set the custom field of this new ticket.

Am I missing something easier in the new RT?  I started w/ 3.8, but
we're up to 4.2.2 now and I may have missed some new helpful

Eleanor J. Piglet Evans, e...@panix.com
Customer Support, (212) 741-4400
RT Training London, March 19-20 and Dallas May 20-21

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