you were right: HTML::Gumbo installation failed on my box, but I did not notice 
it initially.

Trying to reinstall HTML::Gumbo now, I noticed that 'libtoolize' was missing, 
so I installed it.
Unfortunately it fails again because it wants autoconf >= v2.65, and there is 
only v2.63 in CentOS repository.

I'll have to wait until CentOS updates the repos.

Thank you!


Da: Alex Peters <><>
Inviato: Mon Jan 19 2015 09:06:29 GMT+0100 (CET)
A: Guadagnino Cristiano 
Cc: ""<> 
Oggetto: Re: [rt-users] RT eats table-tags in html-emails
HTML tables are mostly displaying as expected on my installation (ignoring 
missing images and CSS).  I'm running v4.2.7 though; I guess it's possible that 
a regression has occurred in a later version.

There are no other relevant settings in my file, and I'm 90% 
sure that I didn't add any special flags when I ran the "configure" script.

Looking at the code, HTML::Gumbo would be ignored if it failed to install 
properly for some reason.  Are you seeing anything interesting in RT's debug 
logs?  I remember having to grab a very fresh HTML::Gumbo version because of 
some installation issue I encountered with an older (but still somewhat recent) 

Lastly, you've probably already done this, but for the sake of documentation, 
RT would need to be restarted after the installation of this module.

Cristiano Guadagnino

Servizio Sistemi Dipartimentali, Periferici e DB
Bankadati Servizi Informatici Soc.Cons.P.A.
Gruppo bancario Credito Valtellinese
tel +39 0342522172  - fax +39 0342522997<>

Il presente messaggio non è di natura personale ma inviato per esigenze 
lavorative; l’eventuale messaggio di risposta potrà essere conosciuto anche da 
altri soggetti diversi dall’originatore di questo messaggio per dette esigenze 
o per controllo aziendale. Questo messaggio, corredato dei relativi allegati, 
contiene informazioni da considerarsi strettamente riservate, ed è destinato 
esclusivamente al destinatario sopra indicato, il quale è l'unico autorizzato 
ad usarlo, copiarlo e, sotto la propria responsabilità, diffonderlo. Chiunque 
ricevesse questo messaggio per errore o comunque lo leggesse senza esserne 
legittimato è avvertito che trattenerlo, copiarlo, divulgarlo, distribuirlo a 
persone diverse dal destinatario è severamente proibito, ed è pregato di 
rinviarlo immediatamente al mittente distruggendone l'originale.

On 19 January 2015 at 18:56, Guadagnino Cristiano 
<<>> wrote:
I have both already set. Is it working in your system?
Did you need to add something to the config command line?

Da: Alex Peters <><>
Inviato: Mon Jan 19 2015 08:48:45 GMT+0100 (CET)
Cc: Guadagnino Cristiano 
Oggetto: Re: [rt-users] RT eats table-tags in html-emails
Looking at the RT_Config documentation, I think you might need to enable the 
$TrustHTMLAttachments setting.  I know I've enabled that in my local 

You might also need to increase the $MaxInlineBody setting from its default of 
12,000 bytes (or set it to 0 to disable size limiting altogether), since things 
with HTML tables in my experience tend to frequently exceed that limit.

On 19 January 2015 at 18:41, Guadagnino Cristiano 
<<>> wrote:
I did this while upgrading to 4.2.9 but nothing changed in the dispplay of html 
Is there something more that needs to be done?
IIRC this is not very well documented... just a note among the release notes.



Da: Alex Peters <><>
Inviato: Sat Jan 17 2015 01:09:38 GMT+0100 (CET)
A:<> <><>, 
vinz <><>
Cc: <><>
Oggetto: Re: [rt-users] RT eats table-tags in html-emails

Another solution in recent versions of RT is to install the HTML::Gumbo module 
from CPAN, which should automatically enable correct display of all HTML in 
tickets without any coding.


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