On Mon, 30 Mar 2015 13:18:03 +0300 "Vlad V. Shpolyanskiy"
<vlad.shpolyans...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But while adding to RT_siteconfig string
> Set($HTMLFormatter, '/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/HTML/FormatText/W3m.pm');

If you want to use w3m, all you need is:

    Set($HTMLFormatter, 'w3m');

The reference to setting a full path is if the w3m _binary_ is not in
your PATH.  Setting it to the .pm file is incorrect.  Also note that
since w3m is the first program that RT will attempt to use, there is
generally no need to explicitly set $HTMLFormatter to w3m _at _all_
unless you wish to use a binary in an unusual location.

> The main idea is to avoid double newlines for outlook emails.
> I'll appreciate any advice regarding this.

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 - Alex

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