Issue resolved by rename the rights. It only supports 25 characters length.


On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 5:12 PM, Chrilly Cheng <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I was trying to create a new lifecycle based on our workflow. It works
> until I try to set some Status changes rights in config file. I cannot
> grant those rights to any user or group with root permission. I'm using
> 4.0.7 version. I copied the error log and my settings at below, please
> someone kindly help to check on it, thanks a lot.
> I was unable to grant 'Update ticket to inactive' rights.
> Error log:
> [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't canonicalize right 'Reopen Case'
> (/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/
> [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't canonicalize right 'Update ticket to
> inactive' (/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/
> [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't canonicalize right 'AutoSet by Crontool
> task(' (/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/
> [warn]: Tried to revoke the invalid right 'Reopen Case', ignoring it.
> (/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/
> [warn]: Tried to revoke the invalid right 'Update ticket to inactive',
> ignoring it. (/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/
> [warn]: Tried to revoke the invalid right 'AutoSet by Crontool task(',
> ignoring it. (/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/
> Here is the lifecycle setting:
> Set(%Lifecycles,
>         # modify the default lifecycle
>         newlifecycle => {
>             # All the appropriate ticket statuses
>             initial         => [ 'InProgress' ],
>             active          => [
> 'PeerReviewed','WaitingforApproval','Scheduled','ScheduledTimePassed' ],
>             inactive        => [
> 'ChangeCompleted','ChangeUnsuccessful','ChangeBackedOut','DidNotStart' ],
>             # Default ticket statuses for certain actions
>             defaults => {
>                 on_create => 'InProgress',
>             },
>             # Status change restrictions
>             transitions => {
>                 'InProgress'                => [qw(PeerReviewed)],
>                 'PeerReviewed'                => [qw(WaitingforApproval)],
>                 'WaitingforApproval'        => [qw(InProgress Scheduled)],
>                 'Scheduled'                 => [qw(InProgress
> ScheduledTimePassed)],
>                 'ScheduledTimePassed'       => [qw(ChangeCompleted
> ChangeUnsuccessful ChangeBackedOut DidNotStart)],
>             },
>             # Rights for different actions
>             rights => {
>                 # These rights are in the default lifecycle
>                 'WaitingforApproval -> Scheduled'       => 'Right to
> approve ticket',
>                 '* -> InProgress'                        => 'Right to
> unapprove ticket',
>                 'Scheduled -> ScheduledTimePassed'        => 'AutoSet by
> Crontool task(Do not grant)',
>                 'ScheduledTimePassed -> *'              => 'Update ticket
> to inactive status',
>             },
>             # Actions for the web UI
>             actions => [
>                 'InProgress -> PeerReviewed' => {
>                     label  => 'Peer Review Completed',
>                     update => 'Comment',
>                 },
>                 'PeerReviewed -> WaitingforApproval' => {
>                     label  => 'Submit for Approval',
>                     update => 'Correspond',
>                 },
>                 'WaitingforApproval -> Scheduled' => {
>                     label  => 'Approve it',
>                     update => 'Commment',
>                 },
>                 'WaitingforApproval -> InProgress' => {
>                     label  => 'Unapprove it',
>                     update => 'Comment',
>                 },
>                 'Scheduled -> InProgress'=> {
>                     label  => 'Unapprove it',
>                     update => 'Correpond',
>                 },
>                 'ScheduledTimePassed -> ChangeCompleted' => {
>                     label  => 'Change Completed Successfully',
>                     update => 'Comment',
>                 },
>                 'ScheduledTimePassed -> ChangeUnsuccessful' => {
>                     label  => 'Change Unsuccessful',
>                     update => 'Comment',
>                 },
>                 'ScheduledTimePassed -> ChangeBackedOut' => {
>                     label  => 'Change Backed Out',
>                     update => 'Comment',
>                 },
>                 'ScheduledTimePassed -> DidNotStart' => {
>                     label  => 'Did Not Start',
>                     update => 'Comment',
>                 },
>             ],
>         },
>         # Status mapping different lifecycles
>         __maps__ => {
>             'default -> newlifecycle' => {
>                 'new'      => 'InProgress',
>                 'open'     => 'WaitingforApproval',
>                 'stalled'  => 'Scheduled',
>                 'resolved' => 'ChangeCompleted',
>                 'rejected' => 'ChangeBackedOut',
>                 'deleted'  => 'DidNotStart',
>             },
>             'newlifecycle -> default' => {
>                 'InProgress'                    => 'new',
>                 'PeerReviewed'                    => 'open',
>                 'WaitingforApproval'            => 'open',
>                 'Scheduled'                     => 'open',
>                 'ScheduledTimePassed'           => 'open',
>                 'ChangeCompleted'                 => 'resolved',
>                 'ChangeUnsuccessful'               => 'resolved',
>                 'ChangeBackedOut'               => 'rejected',
>                 'DidNotStart'                    => 'rejected'
>             },
>         },
>     );
> Any comments would be appreciated, thanks a lot.
> BR,
> Chrilly

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