I think the reason for your problems are your wrong upgrade steps.
You missed to read this:


You have to upgrade to 3.7.87, then run the queries from
upgrade-mysql-schema.pl, and then upgrade to 4.2.12.


Am 15.02.2016 um 18:08 schrieb Laurent Frigault:
> I am trying to migrate an old RT 3.6.5 (installed by someone else) to
> new FreeBSD server running RT 4.2.12 (freebsd package) 
> My problem is that after the update, the new root account lost its admin
> privileges and I dont know how to restore them. I can still log with
> this account, but it is not allowed to manage the server any more. This
> must de related to warning/errors returned during the upgrade procedure
> but I did not find how the handle them .
> How can I fix this issue and what did I do wrong ?
> What I did:
> ==============================================================================
> On the old server I take a mysql dump with :
> mysqldump  -c --hex-blob  --default-character-set=binary rt3 > rt3-hex-bin.sql
> The dump is sent to the new server.
> On the new server I create an rt4 database with :
> mysqladmin create rt4
> then I import the database dump with :
> mysql --default-character-set=binary rt4 < /var/tmp/rt3-hex-bin.sql
> after that I run the upgrade-mysql-schema.pl script with :
> perl /usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade/upgrade-mysql-schema.pl rt4 > 
> /var/tmp/queries.sql
> and
> mysql rt4 < /var/tmp/queries.sql
> then the rt-setup-database script with the upgrade action:
> /usr/local/sbin/rt-setup-database --action upgrade --datadir  
> /usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade --upgrade-from 3.6.5 |& tee 
> /tmp/upgrade.trace
> On this last step I got many warnings and errors that I don't understand
> and don't know how to fix.

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