On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 11:44:30AM +0100, Christian Loos wrote:
> I think the reason for your problems are your wrong upgrade steps.
> You missed to read this:
> https://www.bestpractical.com/docs/rt/4.2/UPGRADING.mysql.html
> You have to upgrade to 3.7.87, then run the queries from
> upgrade-mysql-schema.pl, and then upgrade to 4.2.12.

Ok, I missed this point.

I retry with the following steps, but this does not fix this issue:
mysqladmin create rt4

mysql --default-character-set=binary rt4 < /var/tmp/rt3-hex-bin.sql

/usr/local/sbin/rt-setup-database --action upgrade --datadir 
/usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade --upgrade-from 3.6.5 --upgrade-to 3.7.87 |& 
tee /tmp/upgrade1.trace

=> no error or warning

perl /usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade/upgrade-mysql-schema.pl rt4 > 
mysql rt4 < /var/tmp/queries.sql

/usr/local/sbin/rt-setup-database --action upgrade --datadir 
/usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade --upgrade-from 3.7.87 |& tee 

On this step I got many warnings and errors that I don't understand .

perl  /usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade/upgrade-articles

perl   /usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade/vulnerable-passwords --fix

And at the end, the rt root account still has lost its admin privileges.

An other weird thing is that during the "Processing 3.8.0" and before
"Processing 3.8.1" there are warnings and errors from upgrade/3.9.1/...
and upgrade/4.1.5/...  directories.

How can I fix this issue and what did I do wrong this time ?

Warnings/Errors from step e/ :

Proceed [y/N]:Processing 3.8.0
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Going to add [OLD] prefix to all 
templates in approvals queue. If you have never used approvals, you can safely 
delete all the templates with the [OLD] prefix. Leave the new Approval 
templates because you may eventually want to start using approvals. 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: IMPORTANT: We're going to delete 
all scrips in Approvals queue and save them in 'rt-approvals-scrips-8ME7' file. 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Couldn't validate right name 
'ExecuteCode' for object of RT::System class 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Unable to grant ExecuteCode on 
principal 30: Invalid right (/usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade/3.9.1/content:63)
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Couldn't validate right name 
'ExecuteCode' for object of RT::System class 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Unable to grant ExecuteCode on 
principal 29: Invalid right (/usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade/3.9.1/content:63)
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Couldn't validate right name 
'ExecuteCode' for object of RT::System class 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Unable to grant ExecuteCode on 
principal 32: Invalid right (/usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade/3.9.1/content:63)
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Couldn't validate right name 
'ExecuteCode' for object of RT::System class 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Unable to grant ExecuteCode on 
principal 31: Invalid right (/usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade/3.9.1/content:63)
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Couldn't validate right name 
'ExecuteCode' for object of RT::System class 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Unable to grant ExecuteCode on 
principal 9: Invalid right (/usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade/3.9.1/content:63)
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Couldn't validate right name 
'ExecuteCode' for object of RT::System class 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Unable to grant ExecuteCode on 
principal 8: Invalid right (/usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade/3.9.1/content:63)
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Couldn't validate right name 
'ExecuteCode' for object of RT::System class 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Unable to grant ExecuteCode on 
principal 6: Invalid right (/usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade/3.9.1/content:63)
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Couldn't validate right name 
'ExecuteCode' for object of RT::System class 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Unable to grant ExecuteCode on 
principal 30: Invalid right (/usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade/3.9.1/content:63)
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Couldn't validate right name 
'ExecuteCode' for object of RT::System class 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Unable to grant ExecuteCode on 
principal 29: Invalid right (/usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade/3.9.1/content:63)
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Couldn't validate right name 
'ExecuteCode' for object of RT::System class 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Unable to grant ExecuteCode on 
principal 32: Invalid right (/usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade/3.9.1/content:63)
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Couldn't validate right name 
'ExecuteCode' for object of RT::System class 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Unable to grant ExecuteCode on 
principal 31: Invalid right (/usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade/3.9.1/content:63)
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Couldn't validate right name 
'ExecuteCode' for object of RT::System class 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Unable to grant ExecuteCode on 
principal 9: Invalid right (/usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade/3.9.1/content:63)
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Couldn't validate right name 
'ExecuteCode' for object of RT::System class 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Unable to grant ExecuteCode on 
principal 8: Invalid right (/usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade/3.9.1/content:63)
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Couldn't validate right name 
'ExecuteCode' for object of RT::System class 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:46 2016] [warning]: Unable to grant ExecuteCode on 
principal 6: Invalid right (/usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade/3.9.1/content:63)
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: We found RTFM tables in your 
database.  Checking for content. 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: You appear to have RTFM Articles.  
You can upgrade using the /opt/rt4/etc/upgrade/upgrade-articles script.  Read 
more about it in docs/UPGRADING-4.0 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminAllPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminAllPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminAllPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminAllPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminAllPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminAllPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminAllPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminAllPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminAllPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminAllPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminAllPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminAllPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminOwnPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminOwnPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminOwnPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminOwnPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminOwnPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminOwnPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminOwnPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminOwnPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminOwnPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminOwnPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminOwnPersonalGroups' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'AdminOwnPersonalGroups' 
(/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/RT/ACE.pm:456)[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 
2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't canonicalize right 'DelegateRights' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'DelegateRights' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'DelegateRights' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'DelegateRights' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'DelegateRights' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'DelegateRights' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'DelegateRights' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'DelegateRights' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'DelegateRights' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'DelegateRights' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'DelegateRights' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:50 2016] [error]: Invalid right. Couldn't 
canonicalize right 'DelegateRights' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:52 2016] [error]: Scrip #2 has template set to #3, 
but it's not in DB, setting it 'Blank' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:52 2016] [error]: Scrip #4 has template set to #3, 
but it's not in DB, setting it 'Blank' 
[25052] [Mon Feb 22 15:10:55 2016] [info]: Going to delete all SMIMEKeyNotAfter 
attributes (/usr/local/share/doc/rt42/upgrade/4.1.22/content:61)
Now inserting data.
Processing 3.8.1
Now inserting data.
Processing 3.8.2
Now inserting data.

no more warning/error after.


Laurent Frigault | Free.org
RT 4.4 and RTIR Training Sessions 
* Hamburg Germany - March 14 & 15, 2016
* Washington DC - May 23 & 24, 2016

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