Thanks, this worked like a charm. Can't believe I spent almost a day dancing around this...

Is there a way I can create 3 more children tickets after the approval and transfer some of the custom fields to those child tickets?

On 2016.03.21. 15:22, Jim Brandt wrote:
Looks like that line has $Ticket{TOP} rather than $Tickets{'TOP'} like the others. The quotes shouldn't matter, but the missing 's' definitely does.

On 3/21/16 6:25 AM, zux wrote:
i have been trying to create a workflow, i'll try to describe it here:
User A from group HR creates a new ticket in queue "New employee".
User A chooses a value from a custom field called "Manager", this is a "Select one value" custom field with a drop down.
The values in custom field "Manager" are usernames of managers.
Now i would like to create an approval ticket, with owner - custom field "Manager" value.

I have tried, without success, this code in template:

===Create-Ticket: Jauns Darbinieks
Subject: New employee  {$Tickets{'TOP'}->Subject}
Depended-On-By: {$Tickets{'TOP'}->Id}
Queue: ___Approvals
Type: approval
Owner: {$Ticket{TOP}->FirstCustomFieldValue('Manager')}

I get this error:
Owner: Can't call method "FirstCustomFieldValue" on an undefined value at template line 6.

How do i correctly forward the value of that custom field?

The question also relates to the next part of my workflow. After the manager approves the ticket, i would like to create 2-3 more tickets. And each one of them would need to get some custom fields from the parent ticket (but not all) something like this - It would get a ticket with the username and what computer should be given
security would also get a ticket with info about access restrictions
accounting would get some other info, that security and it should not be able to see

How do i correctly forward these custom fields to children tickets?
RT 4.4 and RTIR Training Sessions
* Washington DC - May 23 & 24, 2016

RT 4.4 and RTIR Training Sessions
* Washington DC - May 23 & 24, 2016

RT 4.4 and RTIR Training Sessions
* Washington DC - May 23 & 24, 2016

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