Hello list,
I've made a change to ShowEmailRecord.html. I copied it to
<rt>/local/html/Ticket, modified it, cleared the mason cache, and restarted
both FCGI and Nginx. But I can't see my change on the website. Of course,
this presumes I've correctly followed the chain of includes from the
ShowTransaction template back to this html file. Did I miss a step? I'm on
Debian, so cleared /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/cache/obj/*. Is there a
different cache on Debian, even though I'm now running from source and not
the pre-built packages? Thanks.

Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department
RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day! 
* Boston - October 24-26
* Los Angeles - Q1 2017

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