Just download the .bin and move it into


On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 1:24 PM, Alex Hall <ah...@autodist.com> wrote:
> Thank you, that looks like it'll work. Did your JSON-like syntax for
> updating fields ever make it into core for 4.4.1? I found the attachment in
> your linked message, but it's a bin file and I'm not sure what to do with
> it.
> On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 11:17 AM, Matt Zagrabelny <mzagr...@d.umn.edu>
> wrote:
>> Hey Alex,
>> On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 8:18 AM, Alex Hall <ah...@autodist.com> wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> > RT is sending out notifications for old tickets just like we want it to.
>> > If
>> > a ticket hasn't been updated in seven days and the status is open or
>> > new,
>> > the owner gets an email every weekday until the ticket is updated. What
>> > I'd
>> > like to do, though, is have a way of changing that "every weekday" bit
>> > for
>> > stalled tickets.
>> >
>> > Instead of warning users every weekday about tickets that are stalled
>> > and
>> > haven't been touched in a while, I'd like to warn them once or twice a
>> > week.
>> > I can't run the cron job that seldom, though, or a ticket could go days
>> > longer than it should without being picked up. Is there any way to only
>> > send
>> > an email to a user if the system has not emailed them in N days? I could
>> > add
>> > a column to the Tickets table for this, or add a new table, but I always
>> > like to stay clear of database schema modifications if I can. Besides, I
>> > don't know how to interface with a custom table using RT SQL.
>> I wouldn't alter the schema.
>> > Is there any way of doing this?
>> You could use a custom field. Something like "Last Email Notification
>> Sent At" or something equally verbose. ;)
>> Then add that CF to your query about which tickets need to get email
>> notifications.
>> We do essentially what you are asking about. We leverage two things:
>> 1. rt-crontool can take multiple --action arguments
>> 2. A custom (but it could be "cored") scrip action. The scrip action
>> is ModifyCustomField. Here is a link to it:
>> http://lists.bestpractical.com/pipermail/rt-devel/2016-December/012601.html
>> Here is one of our cron jobs that keeps track of when it sent an email
>> and also sends the email:
>> 0 12 * * * /opt/rt4/bin/rt-crontool --log=warning --search
>> RT::Search::FromSQL --search-arg ' Queue = "Access Requests" AND
>> Status = "activated" AND ( ( "CF.{Renewal Verified At}" IS NULL AND
>> Created <= "1 year ago" ) OR ( "CF.{Renewal Verified At}" IS NOT NULL
>> AND "CF.{Renewal Verified At}" <= "1 year ago" ) ) AND ( "CF.{Renewal
>> Verification Sent At}" IS NULL OR "CF.{Renewal Verification Sent At}"
>> <= "20 days ago" ) ' --transaction-type Create --transaction last
>> --template "Access Request Renewal Verification" --action
>> RT::Action::MailRequestors --action-arg "" --action
>> RT::Action::ModifyCustomField --action-arg '{ "name": "Renewal
>> Verification Sent At", "operation": "set", "value": "now" }'
>> -m
> --
> Alex Hall
> Automatic Distributors, IT department
> ah...@autodist.com

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