Just read the quote below............nuff said.
The most fundamental fact about the ideas of the political left is that they
do not work. Therefore we should not be surprised to find the left
concentrated in institutions where ideas do not have to work in order to
Thomas Sowell
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joel Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List'"
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 8:34 AM
Subject: RE: [RollTideFan] Come one, come all.......(WARNING: NON-BAMA)

> ODL.....Lower taxes does not mean more jobs.
> Corporations are moving jobs overseas because it is cheaper to make a
> product or provide a service if the people who make that product or
> earn 1/2 or 1/3 of what their US counterpart is making. Taxes have nothing
> to do with it. Some may try to believe that, but it isn't the case.
> Have you had the chance to watch Lou Dobbs on CNN anytime during the past
> two weeks or so? He's been doing a segment each night about jobs being
> overseas. Unless I missed it, he has not mentioned taxes as the reason,
> cheaper labor. His latest report (that I was able to see) reported that
> company that makes frames (?) for Chrysler (Hi Krut) is closing their
> up north and moving the operations to where? Mexico!!! And who the heck
> Chrysler? A German company. They have the ability to purchase the parts
> their cars anywhere in the world, so the cheaper labor and benefits of
> countries wins out.
> And where are most of the engines for Ford made? China. Transmissions?
> Overseas. Dude, look at the products around your computer now. Where are
> these products made? China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Mexico. Open up
> your computer. Chances are it was assembled in Mexico (or in Texas by
> illegals) from components made in China or Japan.
> You think Ford, Siemens, IBM, Tyson and the long list of companies who are
> moving jobs overseas are worried about taxes? November Pappa...they are
> worried about providing the cheapest made product to consumers so they can
> keep or gain market share. Period.
> Lowering taxes sounds like a feasible argument. But the rubber never meets
> the road. Lowering taxes on a corporation simply means more profit which
> turn means better bonuses to the managers. Lower taxes for consumers,
> I am all for, usually means more spending by consumers because they have
> more money. Sounds good till you realize that most consumers are ass-high
> debt, have little or no savings, are trusting that Social Security or the
> Lottery will be their retirement and therefore save zero of their 'new'
> money for later.
> Do you really think that if corporations didn't pay any taxes that the
> prices of their products would reflect that? Hardly.
> But, I offer this as an opposite opinion of mine:
> http://www.economist.com/printedition/displaystory.cfm?Story_ID=2442040
> Also, I offer this article for your reading pleasure. At first I thought
> this was an article about the 'good' side of moving jobs overseas. But the
> more I read and the more I paid attention to the attitude the article was
> written in, I changed my mind. The author wrote the article as support for
> off-shoring jobs, but the attitude used made me wonder if this person
> in a locked room and has no concept of the impact of losing jobs. Here's a
> nice quote: "The best-known report, by Forrester Research, a consultancy,
> guesses that 3.3m American service-industry jobs will have gone overseas
> 2015-barely noticeable when you think about the 7m-8m lost every quarter
> through job-churning."
> I bet the 3.3 million people who lose their jobs will notice it.
> http://www.economist.com/agenda/displayStory.cfm?story_id=2454530
> (PS, notice the articles never mention the 'tax' word.....)
>  -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Joe Goodson
> Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 8:26 PM
> To: RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
> Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Come one, come all.......(WARNING: NON-BAMA)
> The reason why all of those jobs are leaving the United States is because
> for 40 of the last 50 years the Democrats have been pulling their lungs
> with corporate taxes.  The corporations had to raise consumer prices to
> set the higher taxes which drives down their sales because of foreign
> competition.  Bush is right.  Lower taxes means more jobs.  A rising tide
> lifts all boats.
> Joe
> The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings.
>  The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.
>  -- Winston Churchill
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joel Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'RollTideFan'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 8:15 AM
> Subject: [RollTideFan] Come one, come all.......(WARNING: NON-BAMA)
> > Of course there's the report of Tyson Foods decreasing their work force
> > 6,000 and Siemen's Technology announcing that they are transferring
> > programming jobs overseas to lower wage countries.
> > But what is on the mind of the average voter? Bush's National Guard
> > and the rumor of Kerry having an affair.
> > Bush Amnesty Sparks Surge in Border Crossings
> > Thursday, February 19, 2004
> > By Matt Hayes
> >
> > On Jan. 27, the Copley News Service reported that shortly after
> > Bush announced his plans to amnesty millions of illegal aliens in the
> U.S.,
> > more than half of the Mexicans trying to sneak into the U.S. through San
> > Ysidro (search) told authorities they were doing so to position
> > for the amnesty.
> > As one member of the U.S. Border Patrol (search) told me, "They believe
> that
> > they are only responding to an invitation."
> > The percentage suggested by Copley probably does not come close to the
> > actual number of people who are running for the American border as word
> > Bush's immigration plan (search) spreads through Mexico -- and indeed
> > throughout the world. Mexico, it seems, is now regarded the world over
> > the doorway to the United States.
> > In the last several weeks, a staggering 90 percent of all illegal aliens
> > intercepted in one sector in southern Texas claim they've come for the
> > amnesty.
> > Officers of the Border Patrol have now been directed to ask a set of
> > questions of the illegal aliens they apprehend running across the
> > One of those questions is: Is the person attempting to illegally enter
> > U.S. in response to the Bush amnesty proposal? To make arrests, Border
> > Patrol officers often must dodge rocks being thrown at them by aliens as
> > they cross. They then are told by all but 10 percent of the illegals
> > apprehend that it is the Bush amnesty (search) they've come for.
> >  "The agents were soon told to stop collecting this information,
> presumably
> > because it appeared as if the proposal was acting as a lure," says my
> source
> > within the Border Patrol.
> > Word of the 2000-mile wide open door between Mexico and the U.S. has
> spread
> > far beyond Mexico. It is not just Mexicans who are flooding into our
> border
> > states anymore. Along with the Nicaraguans, Brazilians, Venezuelans,
> > Ecuadorians, and Chileans, agents of the Border Patrol now encounter
> > Chinese, Pakistanis, and Indians. Nationals of countries other than
> > are known, in Border Patrol parlance, as "OTMs." (search) Because they
> > cannot easily be returned to their home country (whereas a Mexican
> national
> > might be driven right back across the border), OTMs are permitted to
> > the U.S. and given a Notice to Appear, which is a piece of paper
> > their appearance before an Immigration Judge.
> > "I'm an OTM and I want my NTA," some have been known to declare to the
> > Border Patrol. Rules require that most be given their NTA, upon which
> > OTM departs forever for some unknown location in America.
> > "A lot of OTMs want to be caught so they can get their "papers," which
> makes
> > them legal enough to get past our checkpoint without having to ride in
> > back of an 18-wheeler or crammed into the trunk of a car," says one
> > This is what the Bush amnesty proposal has caused to happen at our
> > with Mexico.  Foreign nationals walk nearly unimpeded into our
country --
> > fully aware of ways in which our immigration laws can be used to their
> > advantage and even the nomenclature of immigration law enforcement-- and
> > demand that our federal officers take a certain action that gives them
> > greatest likelihood of disappearing within the U.S.
> > Like a loss-making business that is kept alive by its corporate parent
> it
> > can be used as a tax write-off, the Border Patrol remains deliberately
> > undermanned and hogtied while the administration tries to keep up the
> > appearance that the borders of the United States actually mean
> > At a Democratic rally in Tennessee, Al Gore dumbfounded observers when,
> > criticizing President Bush's invasion of Iraq, he baroquely claimed the
> > president had "betrayed his country." Right now, thousands of registered
> > Republicans -- particularly those in border states -- are experiencing a
> > tangible sense of betrayal. Some things are sacrosanct to the modern
> > Republican, and along with such values as a strong national defense and
> > limited government, one is a secure national border. That disappeared
> > President Bush's amnesty proposal, just as if he had announced that the
> > is no longer interested in reducing taxes.
> > I doubt that most principled Republicans will forget it.
> > Matt Hayes began practicing immigration law shortly after graduating
> > Pace University School of Law in 1994, representing new immigrants in
> civil
> > and criminal matters. He is the author of The New Immigration Law and
> > Practice, to be published in October.
> >
> >
> >
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