Shula appeared more focused and determined last night than at any other time in his career. He was so pissed at KD when the procedure call cost them the TD that he was spitting nails. He fscking wants to win ... it's just a matter of time... he'll get there. Sure as hell would help if "lady luck" would smile down upon BAMA every once and awhile. We haven't caught a lucky break in forever it seems...


Tim Boozer wrote:
I don't expect anyone to bite their tongue. This is the place to mouth off
and state your opinion. I doubt VERY seriously that anything posted on here
is read by the coaches anyway. I would certainly hope that they have more
important things to do right now.

You're right though, it certainly appeared that Shula lost his composure.
That's something that great coaches don't do. I don't remember that
happening very often to Bryant, Don Shula, Landry, etc., but I also don't
remember ever seeing any footage of their early coaching days when they were
in their sophomore year of head coaching responsibilities. I'm willing to
bet that even they had to do a little learning from experience. At least I
certainly hope so.

I have no problem holding Shula accountable though. Anything less would be
overly patronizing, I'm just saying that I'm still quite happy with him and
he has my support. I'm actually glad to see the apparent flurry of f-bombs
flying on the sidelines. He's lost a lot of that deer in the headlights
glaze and is showing who's in charge.

I'd love to see Shula succeed, and I think he'll be given more than a fair opportunity to do so. But that doesn't mean I'm going to sit around and bite my tongue, or turn a blind eye to bone-headed blunders. Shula lost his composure after the non-call that went for an INT. He let it eat him alive and it affected not only his play calling for the remainder of the game, but his lack of composure was transferred to everyone else on the BAMA sideline. I'll not bore you with details. All you have to do is take one look at the stats for both teams prior to the non-call, and afterwards.

That kind of shit can't happen to a head coach. Raise
hell! Get a 15 yard penalty for arguing your case! Then
call a TO and get everyone together on the sideline and
tell them not to let it cross their mind again! Then get
back to business and WIN the fuckin' game!

Slef E.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Boozer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "RollTideFan - University of Alabama Athletics
Discussion List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2004 3:30 PM
Subject: RE: [RollTideFan] Well That SUCKS!!

Just to let you know, you are not the only one around
here that supports the
coaches. In most of the people's minds around here I
would be called a
kool-aid drinking Shulacrat, but I don't care. The guy
was dealt the worst
hand imaginable and has done a pretty damn good job
with it. He's had one
recruiting class and they look impressive. I feel like
we are going to be
top-10 next year and at least competing for the
National Championship in

Am I happy with the last 6 years at the Capstone -
HELL NO. But it ain't
Shula's fault. He got here 18 months ago. Now don't
get me started on the
administration that made all of this the mess it is in
the first place, but
also don't blame the guy that is cleaning it up, and
in my opinion, doing a
pretty damn good job.

Shula would not have been my first choice, but we put
our selves into a
position where we had to hire a career asst. Nobody
else wanted the job. He
is learning fast. I wish he didn't have to go through
the learning process,
but that's not Shula's fault either.

Call me a Shulacrat if you wish, but I'd rather be
called a Shulacan.

I'm just tired of being a bitcher, moaner, whiner,
complainer and creating a
coaching turnstile.

As far as this group goes, I love it. I don't agree
with everyone, but so
what, I never have. The language doesn't bother me
either, it's just

Have it your way though.

See ya'!

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