Dear Sir

Only Wajahat Habibulah knows why in all his 5 years as Chief Commissoner
(this means he makes maximum commission in all IAS officers) hes not
set up norms for Central Information.

Habibulah is always been known as anti Hindu boot licker who hate
Kashmiri pandit. He is right person
to tell why only former IAS/IFS officers now in NGO racketing  are asking
payments only in form of air  tickets and hotel stay. Afterall Habibulah
was travel agent in around 2003-2004 when he was in USA -CIA/USIP to
arrange tickets
and sponsporship in US for all ant-India RTI traitors like Aruna roy, Shekar
singh, Harsh mandar etc. Habibulah specially got them sponsored by separatoinst
organization in US like " American Federation of Indian Muslims", "Indian
Muslim Council", "Voice of Asian Minorities", "Coalition against Communalism"
and so many other to deliver lectures. This is all obtained form Indian Embassy
and MEA by researchers using RTi and was published in book form also few
years back and all these thing are explained well in book.

S D Sharma

--- In, Nicholas Santiago <nick.santia...@...> wrote:
> dear members
> Sarbajit's remark about the lack of a "code of conduct" for RTI
> Information Commissioners makes me post this.
> I am in-charge of a substantial budget (we are financed by a cess on
> the whisky trade) which we grant to NGOs/SAGs operating in UDC and LDC
> nations in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean, Now while some SAGs in
> India accept our funds directly as cash / bank transfers, others
> insist that they shall only take it in the form of hospitality, air
> tickets to conventions etc.
> I need to know more about this since my governors have asked me about
> this to finalize our foundation's grants for next year.
> Cheers.
> Nicholas Santiago
> Program Officer (FNoIA)
> World Autism & Disabilities Foundation
> Glasgow
> nick.santia...@...
> PS: In case anyone on this mailing list meets our criteria for
> financing, we still have 2 grants open for India (Euro 350,000 each) ,
> 1 for advocacy promoting road access and signage in urban
> concentrations, the other to prepare a national survey on electronic
> information access to public records by unconventional means to aid
> the disabled and limb challenged.

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