Dne 21. 07. 22 v 16:37 Jun Aruga (he / him) napsal(a):
On Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 4:04 PM Vít Ondruch <vondr...@redhat.com> wrote:
IOW this is OpenSSL 3.x issue. There is no simple way around unless you want

1) Backport the OpenSSL 3.x patches from Ruby 3.0

2) Use some other workaround such as including upstream version of
OpenSSL gem.

I'd suggest against building Ruby 3.0 on F36+
Oh thanks. I missed the part.
How about using openssl1.1-devel

Is it really available? I know there were some discussions in the context of old Python support, but I was under impression that while openssl1.1 is available, the -devel packages is not.

So for modules, it could be actually an option.


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