D. Krmpotic wrote:
> free -m
>              total       used       free     shared    buffers 
> cached
> Mem:           510        470         40          0         11 
> 45
> -/+ buffers/cache:        413         97
> Swap:            0          0          0
> This is quite a problem for me and I hope someone can suggest a 
> solution! Thanx!

Linux aggressively caches files using available free memory (and even 
sometimes swapping out lesser used programs for more cache), 
consequently "free" memory is not just the reported unused memory, but 
unused + buffers + cache.  So, when you looked at top, it said 52M free, 
but the effective free memory is 97M as reported by that second line 
from free.

Your VM does appear to have swap disabled, which can be a good idea if 
you have a very well tuned and controlled memory profile, but quite a 
problem if not. Yes it's best never to swap, but it might be preferable 
to go slow instead of fail completely when you run out.

 > Can you please help me understand how can 90% of memory be used if first
 > 5 lines in TOP total to 63% (the rest is negligible). So 3 thins, nginx,
 > mysql and postgres should not consume 90% of 512MB and the percentages
 > in the table confirm this. But still I only have 52MB left (!?).

Well, as we just discussed, you actually have about 80% used, not 90%, 
when you reclaim the OSes cache slush,  Don't discount all those little 
processes -- you likely have several dozen to a hundred 1-5M processes 
below your top five -- it adds up.

Looking back at your earlier top output, I also notice you have Pg 
running with about 90M shared buffers (inferred from the virtual memory 
size), but it normally uses only 2-4M RSS:
  2472 postgres  16   0 99.6m 4836 2168 S    0  0.9   0:00.85 postgres
13653 postgres  16   0 99.1m 4064 1876 S    0  0.8   0:00.03 postgres
  2476 postgres  16   0 99.9m 3356  812 S    0  0.6   0:00.39 postgres

It's possible that the sphinx indexing operation, which queries postgres 
directly, causes Pg to temporarily allocate substantially more memory 
then the normal working set to serve the re-index requests, and that 
could be another source of your memory over-commit.

If your principle database is postgres, I gotta wonder why you have a 
32M mysqld running too?

  2102 mysql     15   0  162m  32m 1524 S    0  6.4   0:07.48 mysqld


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