Hi everyone, I'm new at RoR and I'm having a trouble in my app. The problem 
consists on filter a select field named "Solution", based on the others 
select fields above it. The attached image shows an example of these fields.

Now, what the app do is to retrieve all information from BD abaout Area, 
Region, Associated, Solution and populate the select fields with these 
data. But the user wants that, when an area, a region and an associated is 
selected by the user, only the solutions about that associated in that 
region on that area should be shown. I know there is a way to do this with 
AJAX and JS, but I would like to do this with ruby only, in order to keep 
code clean and correct. Here is my controller code which populates the 
select fields:

def populate_selects
       @atendiment_area_users = AtendimentAreaUser.where(status: true, 
user_id: current_user.id)
       @atendiment_region_users = AtendimentRegionUser.where(status: true, 
user_id: current_user.id)
       @atendiment_region_associated = 
AtendimentRegionAssociated.where(status: true, entity_id: 
       @solution = Solution.where(entity_id: current_user.entity_id, 
status: true)

Below, the _form.html.erb code from view:

    <div class="field">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-xs-6">
        <%= f.select :atendiment_area_user_id , 
@atendiment_area_users.collect { |c| [ c.atendiment_area.name, c.id ] }, 
{:prompt=>"Area"}, { :class => 'form-control', :required => true } %>
      <div class="col-xs-6">
        <%= f.select :atendiment_region_user_id , 
@atendiment_region_users.collect { |c| [ c.atendiment_region.name, c.id ] 
}, {:prompt=>"Region"}, { :class => 'form-control', :required => true } %>

    <div class="field">
        <%= f.select :atendiment_region_associated_id , 
@atendiment_region_associated.collect { |c| [ c.associated.name, c.id ] }, 
{:prompt=>"Associated"}, { :class => 'form-control', :required => true } %>
      <div class="field">
        <%= f.select :solution_id , @solution.collect { |c| [ 
c.solution.name, c.id ] }, {:prompt=>"Solution"}, { :class => 
'form-control', :required => true } %>

I've tried to use the AJAX remote: true on form_for, but it didn't worked. 
 If anyone can help, I apreciate. Thx for attention and sorry any bad 

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