Hi Conrad,
May I ask on which system you've got rails 2.3.0 RC1 and ruby 1.9.1
installed within an hour? I guess it was MacOS X?

I am not sure if what you write applies to FreeBSD. As I wrote I
haven't installed any gems for Ruby18, so all execs such as rake, gem
etc refer only to ruby19. Moreover, on FreeBSD all files relevant to
Ruby18 and Ruby19 are being installed in different folders, for

system files:

local files (nothing is installed for ruby18 in local repositories):
/root/.gem/ruby/1.9 (under this folder are bin, cache, doc, gems,
/home/grzesiu/.gem/ruby/1.9 (the same here)

I can run both version of ruby independently i.e. using irb18 and
irb19 (irb was a copy of irb18). When I install rails, depending on
which version of ruby I am using, it is being installed either to the
folder within 1.8 or 1.9, and depending on whether I am using root or
a normal user account, either system or local repositories are used. I
don't know how is it on other systems but apparently the ruby port on
FreeBSD was designed such that you can install both versions of ruby
at the same time (there are some system libraries which depend
specifically on ruby 1.8.6, so using ruby 1.9.1 would be impossible if
it was not done). Even when I installed Passenger it automatically
detected that and asked to add this line to httpd.conf:

PassengerRuby /usr/local/bin/ruby19

In my opinion the problem I am having has nothing to do with how I am
installing Rails. The unimplemented fork in Ruby 1.9.1 port on FreeBSD
suggests problems in the port itself, and that the problem wouldn't
disappear if I installed the port differently. The problem is
reproducible when I am using irb19 only, without even touching rails
or gems.

I wonder what happens when you type this command in irb on your Mac OS
@pid = fork

I've just checked it in irb18 and it works, which is clearly a proof
of problems with the irb19 version only.
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