Nicholas Wieland wrote:
> On Aug 11, 2009, at 6:21 AM, Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:
>>> Also, I looked into django, the framework for python.  I was sorta
>>> intrigued by python because that's what google uses and I believe
>>> yahoo as well.  However, there is 0.00% chance of my little ol' web
>>> app ever reaching their seismic proportions, but from what I've read
>>> django is quite comparable to ruby and quite a bit faster.
>> No.  Django is comparable to *Rails*.  Python is comparable to Ruby.
>> I've never heard the claim that Django is faster than Rails.  Your
>> source?
> Python is faster than Ruby, it has a faster GC and generically a
> faster interpreter.

Whether that's true or not, it does not directly address the OP's claim, 
which had to do with Django vs. Rails, not Python vs. Ruby.

Now, if the Python interpreter is significantly faster than the Ruby 
interpreter, that certainly would help Django be faster than Rails.  But 
as you yourself pointed out, there might well be bottlenecks elsewhere, 
so that fact alone is not sufficient.

> Of course having a faster interpreter is going to be sweet, but it's
> not something to worry about. Ruby is "fast enough" for 99% of cases.

Agreed.  And there's always JRuby for the other 1%...

>    ngw

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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