On 05/22/2018 04:17 AM, Giovanni Bechis wrote:
On 05/18/18 00:53, John Hardin wrote:
Yes, but that's not clear as to whether they are pulling the wrong rev or are 
just late.

SVN tagged rev in nightly_mass_check:  1831759

New masscheck submission listings in the past day:
   1831759 (Yes) - spam-axb-ham-misc.log (May 17 11:35)
   1831684  (No) - ham-giovanni.log (May 17 08:38)
   1831684  (No) - spam-llanga.log (May 17 08:45)

I takes half an hour to process my data and judging from those lines it seems 
that I am sending my data 3 hours before axb@, am I wrong ?

The first column is the SVN tagged revision that your masscheck is running against. The "No" means it's not matching the currently staged rsync directory that the masscheck script pulls from.

I think you are running your masscheck too early against the previous SVN tagged revision. I am running mine at 9:05 AM UTC. Those times above look like yours is running an hour too early.


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