You are not mistaken.

For POJO models we use reflection (class.getMethods) to determine whether a
Type's methods members are available in the LHS or RHS or both, according
to Java Bean conventions. Declarative models have their members available
in both the LHS and RHS by default as we generate "getters" and "setters"
for them.

On 19 December 2011 05:47, Toshiya Kobayashi <> wrote:

> Hello,
> In Guvnor 5.3.0, I can use CEP feature support in Guided Rule Editor after
> uploading a class by "Upload POJO Model jar" and annotating it in "New
> Declarable Mode".
> 1.      |       declare TestPojo
> 2.      |           @role(value = event)
> 3.      |       end
> But if some fields of the POJO class have only getter methods, Guided Rule
> Editor won't list those fields in "Modify constraints" popup. (if a field
> has a setter method, it will be listed)
> public class TestPojo {
>        private String name;
>        public TestPojo() {}
>        public String getName() { return name; }
> //      public void setName(String name) { = name; }
> }
> Am I missing something? If it's not an expected behaviour, I will raise a
> Cheers,
> Toshiya
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