There is no easy way to deal with this in 5.5, other than importing and 
exporting. The problem no longer exists in 6.x, as we now use GIT.

On 9 Feb 2014, at 15:30, Demian Calcaprina <> wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> I am using Guvnor 5.5. For moving packages between environments, I am doing 
> an export, and then import in the new package. I have a lof of assets in each 
> package. I am using the DB storage for the jcr repository.
> After some months, the DB has grown a LOT! (like 3.5GB).
> Is there a way regularly clean the JCR history, or maybe disable JCR history 
> as we are not using it at all?
> These are the steps I did to remove the history and seems to work fine. Does 
> is seem safe? Is there a better way?
> 1.       Export the entire repository via guvor.
> 2.       Delete all the packages.
> 3.       Stop tomact
> 4.       “truncate” the following guvnor tables:
> a.       Pm_ws_default_binval
> b.      Pm_ws_default_bundel
> c.       Versioning_pm_binval
> d.      Versioning_pm_bundle
> 5.       Restated tomcat
> 6.       Import what I exported on step #1
> Thanks!
> Demian
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