What you do is the only way to handle the increase of the jcr repository.
Do you use a external db (oracle, postgres, etc..) or the build in db in
Guvnor ? I noticed many times that the default embedded  takes a huge disk
place. I am often using postgres as a persistent db for jackrabbit and the
size is reasonable.
Just a note about  Mark's remark on jcr, versus Git. Git  contains history
also and the items that are stored from the Drools workbench
are quit big also (XML file with hundreds of line modified per version in
decision tables, etc..)., Just to say that it can become bigger also :)
And furthermore with guvnor/jackrabbit accessing element by
status/categories is super fast because it is optimized in jcr jackrabbit.
Optimization is like index in relational databases, it takes disk place.
Nicolas Héron

2014-02-09 16:39 GMT+01:00 Mark Proctor [via Drools] <

> There is no easy way to deal with this in 5.5, other than importing and
> exporting. The problem no longer exists in 6.x, as we now use GIT.
> Mark
> On 9 Feb 2014, at 15:30, Demian Calcaprina <[hidden 
> email]<http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4028026&i=0>>
> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I am using Guvnor 5.5. For moving packages between environments, I am
> doing an export, and then import in the new package. I have a lof of assets
> in each package. I am using the DB storage for the jcr repository.
> After some months, the DB has grown a LOT! (like 3.5GB).
> Is there a way regularly clean the JCR history, or maybe disable JCR
> history as we are not using it at all?
> These are the steps I did to remove the history and seems to work fine.
> Does is seem safe? Is there a better way?
> 1.       Export the entire repository via guvor.
> 2.       Delete all the packages.
> 3.       Stop tomact
> 4.       "truncate" the following guvnor tables:
> a.       Pm_ws_default_binval
> b.      Pm_ws_default_bundel
> c.       Versioning_pm_binval
> d.      Versioning_pm_bundle
> 5.       Restated tomcat
> 6.       Import what I exported on step #1
> Thanks!
> Demian
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Nicolas Héron
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