On 1/31/13 11:43 AM, Graydon Hoare wrote:
On 13-01-31 11:27 AM, Patrick Walton wrote:
On 1/31/13 6:33 AM, Benjamin Striegel wrote:
+1 to this. Option 8 was always the best-case syntax, and prefixing an
apostrophe on lifetime names is entirely inoffensive.

I like this as well.

As awkward as it is to be a source of direct contradiction, much less
one on syntax (sigh) I have to express my objection: I'm fine with the
use of a variable-sigil like 'a but putting the whole thing in {} is
terribly offputting to my eyes -- indeed, bringing any other bracketing
forms into the type language at all. Particularly when combining with
type parameters:


seems past the point of tolerable reading.

Totally fair, and agreed.


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