On 8/13/13 4:15 AM, Evan Martin wrote:
This is vague, I feel like there's too many clicks to get into the
details of something.  E.g. if I'm trying to see what the std module
offers, the overview page just lists modules without any description.
  if I click into ascii, I see a list of functions but I need to click
on each one to see what it does.  In the golang world they have a
convention of providing short summary docs separate from the detailed
docs to avoid this; see http://golang.org/pkg/ .  I often use ctl-F on
that page to find what I'm looking for.  Similarly if you click in to a
package there -- they show the function types inline which is often a
hint to their behavior.

Yes, this was the first thing I noticed. I'd prefer if there were a short summary of each item next to it in the module view.


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