Hello all,

I've created this repository as a placeholder:

It won't have much content for a while since I won't commit until there is
at least one usable API function, and I'm currently in the researching and
planning stage. Patience.


On 13 September 2013 21:09, Luis de Bethencourt <l...@debethencourt.com>wrote:

> That is a very interesting read.
> We certainly should learn from the experiences of other languages. This
> being a good example.
> I will be revisiting the linked documents listed in this thread repeatedly.
> Fortunately the issue he mentions about NULLs creating random bugs, is
> taken care of by Rust's safety.
> Thanks,
> Luis
> On 13 September 2013 19:21, Jason Fager <jfa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Joda-Time and JSR-310 are similar APIs but different
>> implementations. It's the same guy behind both, here he is explaining why
>> he wanted 310 instead of just standardizing Joda:
>> http://blog.joda.org/2009/11/why-jsr-310-isn-joda-time_4941.html?m=1
>> On Friday, September 13, 2013, Luis de Bethencourt wrote:
>>> Cool!
>>> Great and awesome feedback. The summary is that Joda-Time is what we
>>> should aspire to have.
>>> My goal is to first cover the "most common use cases", and as Corey
>>> says, "easy to use correctly".
>>> After that I can start considering the corner cases like bya and mya.
>>> Which sound very fun and interesting, but not high priority.
>>> Hopefully by then I won't be too consumed by the question of what is
>>> Time.
>>> Thanks, will keep you guys updated,
>>> Luis
>>> On 13 September 2013 16:20, Thad Guidry <thadgui...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Additionally,
>>> Be able to convert "bya" to "mya" ?  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bya
>>> The short scale is now commonly used, btw... but also need to deal with
>>> this for conversions:
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_and_short_scales
>>> There should be a preference boolean for conversion output for short or
>>> long scale... especially concerning above a thousand million.
>>> That's enough to get you going with some wild ideas that Jodatime does
>>> not handle.
>>> On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 3:08 PM, Thad Guidry <thadgui...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> One idea and use case for Paleontologists and Geologists coming over to
>>> Rust in droves... :-)
>>> Generically, just be able to handle simple Geologic addition and
>>> subtraction against an Epoch itself (reference date)
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epoch_(reference_date) using known
>>> abbreviations.
>>> And additionally, store, understand, and output them:
>>> B.Y.B.P = Billion Years Before Present
>>> M.Y.B.P = Million Years Before Present
>>> On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 2:51 PM, Aaron Dandy <aaron.da...@live.com>wrote:
>>> I remember reading this article:
>>> http://noda-time.blogspot.com/2011/08/what-wrong-with-datetime-anyway.html a
>>> while back and really appreciating date time & time zone libraries. Also
>>> after reading news of the leap second triggering a bug on a bunch of
>>> systems I now question all assumptions I make about our representations of
>>> time. I can no longer say that a minute is 60 seconds long with a straight
>>> face. Next up I guess we programmers have a year 2038 problem to deal with
>>> too. This library will be a big deal to write but there thankfully there
>>> should be a lot of existing knowledge to learn from.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 15:10:21 -0400
>>> From: l...@debethencourt.com
>>> To: s...@scientician.net
>>> CC: rust-dev@mozilla.org
>>> Subject: Re: [rust-dev] lib: Is anybody working on the datetime library?
>>> Hello Bardur,
>>> Thank you so much for the reference resource of JSR-310 and its design
>>> docs.
>>> I looked over it briefly and it is indeed very valuable.
>>> It was listed in the wiki page, but the link was to the former home of
>>> it.
>>> I have updated it.
>>> Since nobody has claimed this module, I will start working on this
>>> module tomorrow Saturday.
>>> Is that OK?
>>> Please, please, I would love more comments and ideas. Will start asking
>>> for reviews once I have some code to show.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Luis
>>> On 13 September 2013 00:57, Bardur Arantsson <spam@scientici
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