On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Kevin Ballard <ke...@sb.org> wrote:

> One feature common to many programming languages that Rust lacks is "raw"
> string literals.

This is one of those things where I feel almost all languages get wrong,
and probably mostly for historical reasons. IMO there should *only* be raw
string literals on the syntax level. It seems extremely weird to me that
languages have this second-level language that gets interpreted within a
literal. That kind of higher level processing should be part of a
formatting library (e.g. a macro like fmt), rather than an embedded
language inside the literal syntax. So, I think string literals should
contain exactly what they contain in their source form, without any
additional processing. If you want to express characters that are
inconvenient to type, you can use control sequences and a (standard)
formatting library to produce them.

Sebastian Sylvan
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