Hi, Rustic individuals --

I'm going to be changing roles from paid contributor to Rust, to
volunteer. My last day working at Mozilla will be a week from now,
November 15.

While I still intend to contribute to Rust, after the 15th I will no
longer be the owner of rustpkg. I have been talking with other core
team members about identifying a new owner for rustpkg so that work on
it will progress, and I'm confident that we will have an arrangement
in place by the time I leave. If there are rustpkg bugs you would like
me to try to fix in my remaining week, please @-mention me
(catamorphism) in a comment on the relevant github issue.
https://etherpad.mozilla.org/Rustpkg-priorities shows my idea of the

For those interested in participating in OPW, don't worry, almost
nothing is changing -- I'll still be the mentor for Rust. However,
Larissa Shapiro (see
https://wiki.mozilla.org/GNOME_Outreach_December2013 ) will be the
coordinator and will answer any general questions about applying to
work on a Mozilla project through OPW.

It's been truly an honor to get to work on a project like Rust as my
full-time job, due in no small part to Rust's large and vibrant
community of volunteers. It would already be motivating to know that
my work enables the range of interesting projects that people are
using Rust for. It adds another level of excitement to know that many
of those people are working on Rust, and writing applications in Rust,
for sheer pleasure, with no immediate external reward.

I'll still be on the mailing list and IRC channel, so this isn't
goodbye. If you're interested in what I'm up to next, I'll probably be
keeping track of it on my blog ( http://tim.dreamwidth.org/ ).


Tim Chevalier * http://catamorphism.org/ * Often in error, never in doubt
"If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."
-- Zora Neale Hurston
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