On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 6:54 AM, Oren Ben-Kiki <o...@ben-kiki.org> wrote:
> That would be awesome, if it were true; it is quite a trick to pull that off
> when the default methods are implemented in a different crate. Can someone
> provide an authoritative answer on this?
> Also, C++ faces the problem of providing a single copy of monomorphised
> functions (for templates). This is done during the link phase and AFAIK is
> one of the causes of C++ links taking a painfully long time. Will Rust
> suffer from the same problem?

Rust serializes any generic or inline functions to an AST stored in
the crate metadata and will re-compile them as-needed per-crate.

In both Rust and C++, you end up with one copy of these at runtime for
each dynamically linked shared object. With C++ templates, the linker
or link-time optimization discards duplicate instantiations across
compilation units.

Rust doesn't have compilation units smaller than a crate so there is
no equivalent functionality. If you use crates as compilation units to
make compiles incremental/parallel, the situation is much worse than
C++ as you'll have many duplicates and they won't even go away with
link-time optimization until `mergefunc` works.

There's almost no point in doing anything but a massive crate at this point...
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