Hi everyone, I'm doing a bit of Rust coding and I'm trying to build a
library to manage some common business object behavior.

trait Field<T> {
    fn name() -> ~str;
    fn get_validators() -> ~[&Validator<T>];
    fn get(&self) -> T;
    fn is_valid(&self) -> bool;

trait Model {
    fn get_fields(&self) -> ~[@Field];
    fn validate(&self) -> Option<HashMap<~str, ~[FieldError]>> {

The code fails with the following compiler error:

models.rs:80:35: 80:40 error: wrong number of type arguments: expected 1
but found 0
models.rs:80         fn get_fields(&self) -> ~[@Field];

The reason for the get_fields() method is to return a list of heterogenous
trait-upcasted objects, and for each of them I'd be invoking the is_valid()

I would understand that the compiler may not understand the notion of trait
return types (which would make sense) but I'd be interested to know whether
this is a bug or a design limitation, and in the second case, whether
there's a sensible alternative.


Andrés Osinski
Rust-dev mailing list

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