I'm trying to write what is essentially a card game simulator in Rust, but
I'm running into a bit of a roadblock with Rust's memory management. The
gist of what I want to accomplish is:

1. In the program's main loop, iterate over several "players" and call
their "play" method in turn.
2. Each "play" method should be able to send requests back to the parent in
order to take certain actions, who will validate that the action is
possible and update the player's state accordingly.

The problem I'm running into is that, in order to let a player "play" and
have the game validate actions for them, I would need to run each player in
their own task, (I considered implementing it as each function call
indicating a request for action [e.g. by returning Some(action), or None
when finished] and calling it repeatedly until none are taken, but this
makes the implementation for each player needlessly complex) but this makes
for some tricky situations.

My current implementation uses a DuplexStream to communicate back and
forth, the child sending requests to the parent and the parent sending
responses, but then I run into the issue of how to inform the child of
their current state, but don't let them modify it outside of sending action

Ideally I'd like to be able to create an (unsafe) immutable pointer to the
state held by the parent as mutable, but that gives me a "values differ in
mutability" error. Other approaches so far have failed as well; Arcs don't
work because I need to have one-sided mutability; standard borrowed
pointers don't work because the child and parent need to access it at the
same time (though only the parent should be able to modify it, ensuring its
safety); even copying the state doesn't work because the child then needs
to update its local state with a new copy sent by the parent, which is also
prone to mutability-related errors.

Any tips on how to accomplish something like this?
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