Unfortunately, the type that maintains the state apparently doesn't fulfill
Send, which confuses me because it's a struct that consists of a string,
function pointer, and a few dynamically-sized vectors. Which of these types
makes the struct as a whole violate Send?

On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 2:47 PM, Kevin Ballard <ke...@sb.org> wrote:

> What if the state's fields are private, and in a different module than the
> players, but exposes getters to query the state? Then the players can't
> modify it, but if the component that processes the actions has visibility
> into the state's fields, it can modify them just fine.
> -Kevin
> On Feb 14, 2014, at 12:22 PM, Damien Radtke <damienrad...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I'm trying to write what is essentially a card game simulator in Rust,
> but I'm running into a bit of a roadblock with Rust's memory management.
> The gist of what I want to accomplish is:
> >
> > 1. In the program's main loop, iterate over several "players" and call
> their "play" method in turn.
> > 2. Each "play" method should be able to send requests back to the parent
> in order to take certain actions, who will validate that the action is
> possible and update the player's state accordingly.
> >
> > The problem I'm running into is that, in order to let a player "play"
> and have the game validate actions for them, I would need to run each
> player in their own task, (I considered implementing it as each function
> call indicating a request for action [e.g. by returning Some(action), or
> None when finished] and calling it repeatedly until none are taken, but
> this makes the implementation for each player needlessly complex) but this
> makes for some tricky situations.
> >
> > My current implementation uses a DuplexStream to communicate back and
> forth, the child sending requests to the parent and the parent sending
> responses, but then I run into the issue of how to inform the child of
> their current state, but don't let them modify it outside of sending action
> requests.
> >
> > Ideally I'd like to be able to create an (unsafe) immutable pointer to
> the state held by the parent as mutable, but that gives me a "values differ
> in mutability" error. Other approaches so far have failed as well; Arcs
> don't work because I need to have one-sided mutability; standard borrowed
> pointers don't work because the child and parent need to access it at the
> same time (though only the parent should be able to modify it, ensuring its
> safety); even copying the state doesn't work because the child then needs
> to update its local state with a new copy sent by the parent, which is also
> prone to mutability-related errors.
> >
> > Any tips on how to accomplish something like this?
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