I wrote up an RFC. Posted on my blog at:


Inlined here:

Today, if you do a mutable borrow of a local variable, you lose the
ability to *write* to that variable except through the new reference
you just created:

    let mut x = 3;
    let p = &mut x;
    x += 1;  // Error
    *p += 1; // OK
However, you retain the ability to *read* the original variable:    

    let mut x = 3;
    let p = &mut x;
    print(x);  // OK
    print(*p); // OK
I would like to change the borrow checker rules so that both writes
and reads through the original path `x` are illegal while `x` is
mutably borrowed. This change is not motivated by soundness, as I
believe the current rules are sound. Rather, the motivation is that
this change gives strong guarantees to the holder of an `&mut`
pointer: at present, they can assume that an `&mut` referent will not
be changed by anyone else.  With this change, they can also assume
that an `&mut` referent will not be read by anyone else. This enable
more flexible borrowing rules and a more flexible kind of data
parallelism API than what is possible today. It may also help to
create more flexible rules around moves of borrowed data. As a side
benefit, I personally think it also makes the borrow checker rules
more consistent (mutable borrows mean original value is not usable
during the mutable borrow, end of story). Let me lead with the

### Brief overview of my previous data-parallelism proposal

In a previous post I outlined a plan for
[data parallelism in Rust][dp] based on closure bounds. The rough idea
is to leverage the checks that the borrow checker already does for
segregating state into mutable-and-non-aliasable and
immutable-but-aliasable. This is not only the recipe for creating
memory safe programs, but it is also the recipe for data-race freedom:
we can permit data to be shared between tasks, so long as it is

The API that I outlined in that previous post was based on a `fork_join`
function that took an array of closures. You would use it like this:

    fn sum(x: &[int]) {
        if x.len() == 0 {
            return 0;
        let mid = x.len() / 2;
        let mut left = 0;
        let mut right = 0;
            || left = sum(x.slice(0, mid)),
            || right = sum(x.slice(mid, x.len())),
        return left + right; 
The idea of `fork_join` was that it would (potentially) fork into N
threads, one for each closure, and execute them in parallel. These
closures may access and even mutate state from the containing scope --
the normal borrow checker rules will ensure that, if one closure
mutates a variable, the other closures cannot read or write it. In
this example, that means that the first closure can mutate `left` so
long as the second closure doesn't touch it (and vice versa for
`right`). Note that both closures share access to `x`, and this is
fine because `x` is immutable.

This kind of API isn't safe for all data though. There are things that
cannot be shared in this way. One example is `Cell`, which is Rust's
way of cheating the mutability rules and making a value that is
*always* mutable. If we permitted two threads to touch the same
`Cell`, they could both try to read and write it and, since `Cell`
does not employ locks, this would not be race free.

To avoid these sorts of cases, the closures that you pass to to
`fork_join` would be *bounded* by the builtin trait `Share`. As I
wrote in [issue 11781][share], the trait `Share` indicates data that
is threadsafe when accessed through an `&T` reference (i.e., when

Most data is sharable (let `T` stand for some other sharable type):

- POD (plain old data) types are forkable, so things like `int` etc.
- `&T` and `&mut T`, because both are immutable when aliased.
- `~T` is sharable, because is is not aliasable.
- Structs and enums that are composed of sharable data are sharable.
- `ARC`, because the reference count is maintained atomically.
- The various thread-safe atomic integer intrinsics and so on.

Things which are *not* sharable include:

- Many types that are unsafely implemented:
  - `Cell` and `RefCell`, which have non-atomic interior mutability
  - `Rc`, which uses non-atomic reference counting
- Managed data (`Gc<T>`) because we do not wish to
  maintain or support a cross-thread garbage collector

There is a wrinkle though. With the *current* borrow checker rules,
forkable data is only safe to access from a parallel thread if the
*main thread* is suspended. Put another way, forkable closures can
only run concurrently with other forkable closures, but not with the
parent, which might not be a forkable thing.

This is reflected in the API, which consisted of a function
`fork_join` function that both spawned the threads and joined them.
The natural semantics of a function call would thus cause the parent
to block while the threads executed. For many use cases, this is just
fine, but there are other cases where it's nice to be able to fork off
threads continuously, allowing the parent to keep running in the

*Note:* This is a refinement of the [previous proposal][dp], which was
more complex. The version presented here is simpler but equally
expressive. It will work best when combined with my (ill documented,
that's coming) plans for [unboxed closures][8622], which are required
to support convenient array map operations and so forth.

### A more flexible proposal

If we made the change that I described above -- that is, we prohibit
reads of data that is mutably borrowed -- then we could adjust the
`fork_join` API to be more flexible. In particular, we could support
an API like the following:

    fn sum(x: &[int]) {
        if x.len() == 0 {
            return 0;
        let mid = x.len() / 2;
        let mut left = 0;
        let mut right = 0;
        fork_join_section(|sched| {
            sched.fork(|| left = sum(x.slice(0, mid)));
            sched.fork(|| right = sum(x.slice(mid, x.len())));
        return left + right; 

The idea here is that we replaced the `fork_join()` call with a call
to `fork_join_section()`. This function takes a closure argument and
passes it a an argument `sched` -- a scheduler. The scheduler offers a
method `fork` that can be invoked to fork off a potentially parallel
task. This task may begin execution immediately and will be joined
once the `fork_join_section` ends.

In some sense this is just a more verbose replacement for the previous
call, and I imagine that the `fork_join()` function I showed
originally will remain as a convenience function. But in another sense
this new version is much more flexible -- it can be used to fork off
any number of tasks, for example, and it permits the main thread to
continue executing while the fork runs.

*An aside:* it should be noted that this API also opens the door
(wider) to a kind of anti-pattern, in which the main thread quickly
enqueues a ton of small tasks before it begins to operate on
them. This is the opposite of what (e.g.) Cilk would do. In Cilk, the
processor would immediately begin executing the forked task, leaving
the rest of the "forking" in a stealable thunk. If you're lucky, some
other proc will come along and do the forking for you. This can reduce
overall overhead. But anyway, this is fairly orthogonal.

### Beyond parallelism

The stronger guarantee concerning `&mut` will be useful in other
scenarios. One example that comes to mind are moves: for example,
today we do not permit moves out of borrowed data. In principle,
though, we should be able to permit moves out of `&mut` data, so long
as the value is replaced before anyone can read it.

Without the rule I am proposing here, though, it's really hard to
prevent reads at all without tracking what pointers point at (which we
do not do nor want to do, generally). Consider even a simple program
like the following:

let x = ~3;
let y = &mut x;
let z = *y;     // Moves out of `*y` (and `*x`, therefore)
let _ = *x;     // Error! `*x` is invalid.
*y = ~5;        // Replaces `*y`

I don't want to dive into the details of moves here, because
permitting rules from borrowed pointers is a complex topic of its own
(we must consider, for example, failure and what happens when
destructors run). But without the proposal here, I think we can't even
get started.

Speaking more generally and mildly more theoretically, this rule helps
to align Rust logic with separation logic. Effectively, `&mut`
references are known to be separated from the rest of the heap. This is
similar to what research languages like [Mezzo][m] do. (By the way,
if you are not familiar with Mezzo, check it out. Awesome stuff.)

### Impact on existing code

It's hard to say what quantity of existing code relies on the current
rules. My gut tells me "not much" but without implementing the change
I can't say for certain.

### How to implement

Implementing this rule requires a certain amount of refactoring in the
borrow checker (refactoring that is needed for other reasons as well,
however). In the interest of actually completing this blog post, I'm
not going to go into more details (the post has been sitting for some
time waiting for me to have time to write this section). If you think
you might like to implement this change, though, let me know. =)

[share]: https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/11781#issuecomment-35559695
[8622]: https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/8622
[m]: http://protz.github.io/mezzo/
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